Willkommen auf der Website der
Kooperatives Promotionskolleg
'Generierungsmechanismen für Mikrostrukturen' - GenMik
der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und der Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU)
Welcome to the Website of the
Graduate School
'Generation mechanisms of micro-structures' - GenMik
a joint venture of University of Freiburg (IMTEK) and Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU)
The doctoral program "Generation mechanisms of micro-structures" (German: ''Kooperatives Promotionskolleg: Generierungsmechanismen für Mikrostrukturen- GenMik'') is a joint venture of the University of Freiburg and the University of Furtwangen. The objective of this program is to promote the training of young scientists in the modern field of microstructure research. The graduate school takes highly interdisciplinary approach. The PhD theses work covers a broad spectrum of research in the field of micro-technology from materials science to process engineering.
Additional information here.
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